#Amigaos 4.1 download update#
Download the update from iComp here Menu System v0.127.I do recommended that you upgrade your ACA500Plus Menu System (currently v0.1). A CF card (any size even above 4Gb!) I’m using a 16Gb Sandisk CF Card.Mount the ADF files either to a Gotek or transfered ADF’s to Floppy disks (6 disks required but I used a Gotek).Downloaded 3.1.4 Zip package and unpacked the files.Have purchased AmigaOS 3.1.4, you can do so from Hyperion here or from us here.

I have also installed an ACA1221EC, however this has no bearing on installing 3.1.4 and is not required or needed. Installing AmigaOS 3.1.4 is pretty easy, especially if you have a large CF card ( > 4Gb), so in this guide I installed from scratch, Amiga OS 3.1.4 to a Sandisk 16Gb CF Card on an Amiga 500 Plus with 2Mb Chipram with an ACA500Plus. But this guide can be used with any stock Amiga (Amiga 500,600,1200,2000, 3000,4000) not just if you have an ACA500Plus. This is a follow up to another guide: Using ACA500Plus MapRom to map kickstart 3.1.4. CrossDOS is now more tolerant to wrongly configured mountlists and foreign character sets.HDToolBox now suggests more adequate block sizes for large drives.vice got improved compatibility with some non-standard programming practices.Setpatch now has the ability to load both an vice and a Shell-Seg update by itself.Danish (dansk) and swedish (svenska) AmigaOS catalogs.Its is mainly bug fixes but it does have a few features added: July 2019 Update: Hyperion Entertainment CVBA have released AmigaOS as a free update to AmigaOS 3.1.4 released in September 2018. NOTE: We are now official Hyperon resellers and now able to sell licenced copies of AmigaOS 3.1.4, full services available here